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Treating PTSD in Salt Lake City

Best PTSD Treatment In Salt Lake City

PTSD is a common mental health condition that affects more than just veterans. Overall, PTSD affects around 3.5% of the U.S. population, approximately 8 million Americans, in a given year.

While most often associated with experiencing wartime trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may occur following exposure to any traumatic event. PTSD can develop in response to natural disasters, accidents or violent experiences. PTSD facts indicate that a majority of adults experience at least one traumatic event during their life which could potentially lead to PTSD.

Ketamine SLC offers safe and carefully monitored ketamine therapy as a PTSD treatment option. Call Ketamine SLC or schedule a consultation to learn how ketamine can relieve your PTSD symptoms. 

How Does Ketamine Treat PTSD?

The standard procedure in treating PTSD has been to combat this disorder with medication and counseling. Both of which have benefits, but the success rate in PTSD patients has been relatively low.

A major downfall of the medication and counseling method is the duration of time before positive effects are felt. However, with Ketamine therapy, patients often feel relief during their very first session and have long-lasting positive effects.

PTSD is very similar to anxiety in the brain but it will have a particular memory. If you can identify the source it is PTSD.

Anxiety and PTSD have a huge involvement with the amygdala. This is the brains organ of anxiety and acute stress. It’s final pathway is the lateral habenula and this is signaled by a burst mode. These transmitters include dopamine and serotonin. Only ketamine is known to reverse this burst mode and provide the dendritic repair that is essential for long term control.

More Information About PTSD In Salt Lake City

PTSD can occur in all people, of any ethnicity, nationality or culture, and at any age. PTSD affects approximately 3.5% of U.S. adults every year, and an estimated one in 11 people will be diagnosed with PTSD in their lifetime. Women are twice as likely as men to have PTSD.

From veterans and first responders to abuse survivors, those that have suffered from any type of extreme trauma are at risk of PTSD. Sufferers commonly experience symptoms of fear, anxiety, and emotional detachment.

Traditional PTSD treatment options have included a combination of psychotherapy and antidepressant/anxiety type medications. However, in recent years ketamine has proven to be a more effective treatment.

PTSD symptoms can dissipate within hours after a ketamine treatment, and the long lasting benefits can be attained in as little as one to two weeks.

PTSD and Co occuring Conditions
Source: therecoveryvillage.com

Frequently Asked Questions About PTSD and Ketamine In Salt Lake City

PTSD is a debilitating anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive re-experiences of the traumatic events, avoidance of situations and stimuli that could serve as reminders of these events, and feeling jumpy or easily startled. Patients with PTSD are often also depressed, and many have significant memory impairments. 

While PTSD has long been associated with veterans of conflict, the disorder can strike anyone who’s witnessed, or been through, a life-altering or dangerous event.

For example, many survivors of sexual abuse, natural disasters, and car accidents can suffer from PTSD.

Your body and mind typically operate in a fight-or-flight mode and when you’re involved in a traumatic event, this hard wiring is affected. The result can be acute PTSD, which resolves itself on its own as your body readjusts, or long-term and chronic PTSD, which resists treatment.

Untreated Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder often leads to people developing anxiety disorders and depression. In severe cases, a person may even begin to start thinking about suicide as a way to escape from their symptoms. If the PTSD symptoms are severe, then a person may be unable to function in a normal environment. Avoidance and other symptoms may make a person stop going to work, driving or even being able to sleep at night. Over time, this severely affects a person’s quality of life.

The symptoms of PTSD vary from one person to the next as not everyone processes a traumatic event in the same way. For example, you may notice PTSD symptoms within months after the initial event, or they may crop up years down the road. In either case, these symptoms include:

  • Flashbacks
  • Feeling tense, edgy, and stressed
  • Being easily startled
  • Isolation and avoidance
  • Excessive anxiety and fear
  • Anger management issues
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Negative thoughts
  • Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed
  • Depression
  • Suicidal tendencies

Before using Ketamine to treat PTSD, many would experience extreme responses to common experiences within their environment that instantly remind them of their trauma.

For example, you may hear a car backfire and instantly begin to relive your experience with gunfire. Alternatively, a person may drive past the location of where they had a car accident and begin to remember the vivid details of the scene. For people who have lost a loved one, a trigger could be as simple as hearing a news story about the health condition that led to the death. A hint of perfume, certain food, and even the sound of a baby crying can all be triggers for your PTSD symptoms depending upon what caused your condition.

Since most of the triggers for this condition are things that happen every day, it makes it impossible to control your response. This is why it is essential to seek treatment for PTSD. Ketamine therapy can help when you notice that you are struggling with managing your reactions to common triggers.

What you experience is dependent on the amount of ketamine you receive and for how long the treatment lasts.

Some experience anything from being more aware of how their body feels, quieting of the mind, feelings of love and gratitude, all the way to feeling connecting to the Universe/God, death of the ego, and reliving past experiences from a different perspective.
Ketamine can create novel experiences for the patient because of its dissociative property. Patients can have a “ketamine-induced non-ordinary state of consciousness.” ⁣
According to Dr. Eli Kolp there are 4 types of experiences aka states: Empathogenic experience, Out-of-body experience, Near-Death experience, and Ego-dissolving transcendental experience.

Some PTSD sufferers will tell you that ketamine has allowed them to work through and better understand their trauma through another perspective, others will tell you it helped them to express gratitude. Each one’s experience is different, you have to try it to know what it will feel like for you.

Is Ketamine For PTSD Right For You?

Are you suffering from a treatment-resistant condition?
Do your existing medications not work so well anymore?
Get all your questions answered and find out if
ketamine is the solution you've been looking for.

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